Minggu, 12 Juni 2016

Quiz!! (Don't forget to read my blog about song and place😉)

1. My mama said that it was ok
Mama said that it was quite alright
Our kind of “............”
And it was ok
A. Cause we were good kids
B. That it was quite alright
C. People had a bed for the night
D. Told us never listen to the ones

2. what is the meaning in the song "Mama Said”....(essay)
3. How many words “Mama” in one stanza?
A. 5
B. 3
C. 6
D. 1
4. In what year the song was published?
A. 2013
B. 2014
C. 2016
D. 2015
5. How many stanzas in Mama Said song?
A. 10
B. 5
C. 8
D. 9
6. Who singer "Mama Said"?
A. Justin Burner
B. Harry Styles
C. Lukas Graham
D. Zayn Malik
7. How large can the duration of the song?
A. 04.00
B. 03.50
C. 03.26
D. 02.59
8. whether Lukas co-wrote the song?
A. Yes
B. Not
C. Both are true
D. Both were wrong
9. Who play an important role in this song?
A. Justin Burner
B. Zayn Malik
C. Nick Jonas
D. Lukas Graham
10. The song "Mama Said" was in any album? (essay)
11. What is the height of Mount Bromo?
A. 2.500 m above sea level
B. 3.000 m above sea level
C. 2.392 m above sea level
D. 2.458 m above sea level
12. How many rungs on Mount Bromo?
A. 300
B. 400
C. 250
D. 190
13. Designation of what is often people refer to Mount Bromo?
A. Lautan Api
B. Lautan Air
C. Lautan Angin
D. Lautan Pair
14. Mount Bromo where the specifications?
A. Probolinggo Regency
B. Cianjur Regency
C. Tasikmalaya Regency
D. Garut Regency
15. To climb the stairs at Mount Bromo we could use ...
A. Horse
B. Plane
C. Jet
D. Sheep
16. Where is located dusun bamboo? (essay)
17. Where is the address? (essay)
18. What is the price of a ticket to enter the dusun bamboo? (essay)
19. What time the dusun bamboo started to be opened? (essay)
20. What time the dusun bamboo started to shut down? (essay)

Sabtu, 11 Juni 2016

Geology Museum

On Thursday (21/6) Social Class of SMAN 3 Bandung went to Museum Geologi to do an external study. Museum Geologi was located on Jalan Diponegoro, it's not far away from Pusdai.

We went there at 9 a.m. Some of the students went there by school car, but most of the boys rode their motorcycle.

The museum consists of two floors, after entering the museum do not forget dropped off the luggage near the entrance. On the first floor, will be welcomed by the fossils of ancient elephants, and visitors can start circling from the left.

There are stories of the earth that are shown through pictures and mockups. There is a fossil replica T-rexinosaurus, then the story extinction of the dinosaurs.

On the 2nd floor to the left, there is a story about the tsunami and the volcano. On the right, there is a natural rock. There is a miniature tower of oil and gas drilling. And myriad other room with a collection of relevant geological sciences.For those who want to know more about the benefits and uses of minerals for humans, the museum also provides information. Records of exploration and exploitation of mineral resources can be listened. To be sure, visitors can learn more about  science in Bandung Geology Museum.

And these are some of our pictures there: 


Dusun Bamboo is a natural tourist spot located at the foot of Mount Burangrang Cisarua, Lembang presents the travel area is equipped with restaurants, villas and other facilities such as the Equator and Tegal Pangulinan Market.
Location or address Dusun Bambu is located at Jl. Kertawangi (Complex Command), Cisarua, West Bandung, can be reached via Jl. Colonel Masturi KM 11.
From the location of the visitor ticket purchases will be delivered to locations desired by the vehicle with ontang anting. 

Restaurant is located on the edge of the lake which is often used as the object photographed by visitors, so enjoy lunch here could be a new experience for you memorable.


Eagle Camp


To enter the Dusun Bambu sites, you must buy a ticket for Rp. 15.000, - per person


This tourist location is open daily from 9am until 9pm.

Where visit in Indonesia

Bromo mountain is one of the most beautiful and magical mountains in East Java. It is located in Probolinggo Regency. This mountain is very interesting because you can see the beautiful sunrise and sunset from this mountain. You can take a magical picture from the sky above this mountain.
Beside that you can see the large field that Bromo people call ‘Lautan Pasir’’. It is very beautiful if you see from the top of Mount Bromo.There are also a crater in the top of montain. The visitors can make their body warm in cold conditions of this mountain. In this crater you can see some beautiful colors of fire and beautiful smoke going up to the sky. 

To reach the foot of Mount Bromo, you can not use the vehicle. Instead, you should hire a horse at a price of Rp 70,000, - or if you feel strong, you can choose to walk. But, it should be noted that walking is not easy, due to the scorching sun, distances, particles of dust can make the journey harder.

You have to climb the stairs that number reached 250 stairs to see the crater of Mount Bromo. At the top of Bromo height of 2392 m above sea level, you can see the crater of Mount Bromo smoke. You can also cast your eyes down, and saw the sea of ​​sand to the temple in the middle. Really incredibly rare and extraordinary that we can enjoy.

Education for a better future

Students sit on their chairs, watching teachers who standing up in front of the classes, listening silently, and keeping that action for hours. Teacher is busying on speaking, explaining the subjects without interruption. That is what they call as a studying. They called this as teacher centered learning. But I prefer to call it boring!
Studying is not about knowing the subjects only. But more than that, studying is a process of learning and understanding the meaning. Education should be built on this track. An education must provide a chance for students to explore anything from a subject. Student has to be more active. Learning something and doing more things. Here, teacher is not only teaching, but he/she must be a partner and facilitator of finding and understanding the knowledge.
Stated that an educational system should have four basics understanding of learning. Those areLearning to know, learning to do, learning to be, and learning to live together.
Learning to know  is teaching student to know knowledge based on their level of education. Students are asked to know something. Student should understand about the meaning of something. In this step, teacher should be more active to provoke student to develop their mind to find a meaning and knowing something.
Learning to do is taking student to the next level of learning. Here, students are asked to make actions, doing many things on exercises. Students are trained to apply their knowing and understanding of something, to be something real in practices. Exercises, practicing the instructions, and doing some tasks are the key of this second step. Here, students are prepared with some skills and individual interest to solve the problems in real life.
Learning to be is teaching student to be a human being completely. Here students are taught about the values of life. Students are asked to find the purpose of their life, the meaning of their self, and the future that they want to be. Students are being prepared to be someone better, better for them and others.
Learning to live together is teaching students to be someone as a part of society. Students are taught about the norms, rules, and the values of living together. Here, students are provoked to find their own meaning about living together, respect on diversity, and living in interdependence. Students are prepared to be someone useful for others with their knowledge and skills. Students are prepared to be someone who can combine among mind and heart. After this step, students are not only as a smart person but also as a human being with a feeling.
And now, the answer has been found. The form of education that we need for our life is an education that combining mind and heart. we are not going to be a smart one, but we're also going to be a humble one. Therefore, education is not just about studying the subjects, but it is all about learning the values.